How dare you leave Twitter, come back at once!
Happy Hallowe'en everyone! I do hope you've been stretching all your homework over half term and not leaving it until the last day to do it...?

Today is a good day. And Nick Drake has cheered me up with his dulcet tones once again.
Look at the smile on this guy! He is greatly missed by so few people. Not enough people miss Nick.
So, what's happened today? Hmmmm...not much. Eden cheered me up with his wall posts, rather a lot. Thank you Eden ^_^
And then Thomas cheered me up even more with his blog. 'I just wanna be ok, be ok, be ok...' That's my new favourite song. Other than that...homework homework homework. English essays. Remind me why I took English again? Oh yeah, so I wouldn't have to take Chemistry.
I wonder how long I can keep this up for?
*sings along with Nick*