Goodness me! What a busy week. I haven't blogged since Monday! Can I put four days of blogs in one blog? I wonder...

Well, on Tuesday, I went to see Birdsong as part of my English course...which was ok. Long. And confusing. Who the hell is Francoise?! But the acting was good and the play grew on me as it went on. It was a little odd because we were sat in the Royal Circle, round the side, so half the stage was cut off. And there were poles in the way. Who designed this theatre? But overall it was good. Think I'll have to read the book though.
Anthony: 'Miss Sherry, you know the bit when he ran away from her? What were they doing?'
Miss Sherry: *looks awkward and slightly bemused* 'Well, when a man and a woman love each other very much, Anthony...'
Anyway, so I got back very late on Tuesday and did not blog.
On Wednesday...I don't know, what did I do on Wednesday? I can't remember. We finished Journey's End for English (hooray - couldn't stand it any longer) and started on Blackadder.
Is analysing Blackadder a good or a bad thing? I thought that painstakingly going through and annotating sheet after sheet in ridiculous detail and preposterous reasons for why Richard Curtis and Ben Elton have put this or that in this particular part of the episode or why Baldrick is portrayed as doing this or why General Melchett represents that would ruin Blackadder forever. Actually, my love for Blackadder is causing me either to not see these fascinating insights or disagree with them wholeheartedly.
Conclusion? Blackadder should not be on the AS Level English Literature syllabus. I highly doubt that Curtis and Elton would be pleased to know that their fine craftsmanship is being picked apart by a hormone-driven pack of adolescents who never cease to pretend they know what they're talking about, myself included. Why can't we watch and enjoy? That's what the series was made for, entertainment! So was Shakespeare! Willy himself would probably be turning in his grave if he knew that
Macbeth was being critiqued in such high detail by inattentive thirteen-year-olds who would really prefer to be somewhere else.
Yesterday I went to see Sweeney Todd on stage, isn't that exciting?
Isn't it
juicy? :D I think Sweeney Todd has to be my favourite musical. For weeks I've said it was West Side Story, but I forgot how good Sondheim is. I wish it was done more often. Partly because I quite fancy playing Mrs Lovett one day.
Look at the despair! Isn't he just a sex god? Shame the film cut out all of the chorus songs. They're juicy.
So, I got back very late yesterday, and did not blog.
Today I spilled my coffee all over the common room floor. I paid 70p for that!
Suggestion for coffee machine: Those things you get in coffee shops that stop you from burning your hands. It's simple, really.
So that kinda ruined my day until I got full marks on a Psychology homework...for which I was quite chuffed.
Isobel Thomas makes the best cake. It looked like this:
Just with smaller stuff on the top. And there was cream in the middle.
I also did the best spoonerism yesterday: 'It's fine, Mum, I already have a clicking tock.'
This has been a long post. I congratulate you if you have read down to here. Expect a freebie bag containing many useful things that are really totally useless, like a pencil. Seriously, who gets a pencil for a prize? Bring me chocolate, evil minion.
Much Love ♥