Monday, 20 December 2010

December 20th

The sky has been much bluer recently, despite its persistent showering of white pig's droppings upon our poor lowly heads (Christmas reference not intended). We get the damned stuff every year, you'd have thought we would have devised some ingenious plan to counter this disastrous situation we now find ourselves in (namely, half an inch of aforementioned white pig's droppings and lots of ornamental penises). Come on, southerners. It's not that bad. Those hardy folk up north n' yonder are having a much harder time of it than us. Instead, we choose to sit and moan on the train, like true British citizens. I feel proud, in a way, and also fairly disgusted. Man up, people!

So, what did I do today? Not much. Woke up at half eight and panicked before I realised I wasn't supposed to go to school today. Duhh, it's Christmas! Needless to say, I went straight back to sleep, like a baby. Or a lamb. Or a log. Or a baby, on a lamb, on a log. I wasn't sure which noun to use. Still not sure. Any suggestions?

Then I 'tidied' my room again. 

After that, Thomas came round for another musical bonanza, which was immensely fun and left me feeling rather good about life in general. We recorded two, yes, TWO songs, which shall be up on YouTube presently. Probably tomorrow. I'll probably send it to you, Tom, it'll all make sense if it's on one channel :) and I promise I shall attempt to learn Special just for you, and I'll even try and do a bit of gravelly stuff. Which I can't do particularly well. It just sounds wrong. In return, you must learn to the words to every Les Miserables song and watch West Side Story.

The man in the middle is George Chakiris, who plays Bernardo. He's gorgeous. So is his dancing.

If you haven't seen Thomas' blog, it's here: It's great. Never fails to entertain ^_^

It's extremely late now. Off to bed, methinks. Nighty night, all :) ♥

Saturday, 18 December 2010

December 18th

Feeling much, MUCH better today! Thank you, imaginary deity ^_^

So, what did I do today? Not much. Woke up at 8:30 and thought it was still dark, bit of a shock when I opened my eyes and saw light streaming through my window. Then I watched a bit of the Royal Variety Performance - first class. In tears at Michael McIntyre. Actually, all the comedy was great. Now I have visions of Princes Charles, Edward and Andrew sneaking into Buckingham Palace at stupid o' clock (after checking whether Her Maj was in by the position of the flag) with a six pack of Stella and a Dominoes Pizza. Can't remember the name of the guy. He was hilarious :D

And then I 'tidied' my room. Then I got distracted by looking at videos of axolotls and reading care sheets for the bajilianth time. If you don't know what they are, think of a Mudkip. Yeah. They're fricken' Mudkips.

Then I got even more distracted by attempting to learn all the words of 'Gaudete', a traditional carol, the best version of which sung by Steeleye Span. Incidentally, Thomas informs me, the only song in Latin to ever have made it to the charts. Isn't that interesting?

After that I went outside to make a snowman. Which failed. Epically. Can't remember it taking me quite that long to build one last year. I think I got a ball about an eighth of the size I wanted it. Stupid snow. Also another reason to complain about the snow is that all my Christmas cards won't get to people until it's like mid-January. Worse still, my English coursework won't get here until God knows when (that is, if Miss Kear's telling the truth and Miss Ford IS going to post it. We've had a lot of kerfuffle with collecting said English coursework)!

Strictly final was great, slightly disappointed that Pamela went out, but I suppose it's a popularity thing. Very pleased with the end result though. And Artem is SO cute, and it's SO obvious he's in love with her - ask her out, silly Russian boy!

Having a party tomorrow. Should be goooood :D

Gaudete, gaudete, Christus est natus, ex Maria Virgine, gaudete! ^_^ ♥

Monday, 13 December 2010

December 13th

Another depressing post, I'm afraid. GAAAH.

I hate winter. It is the most awful time of year. Sure, you can get all cosy by the fire, wrap up real warm, have snowball fights during the day, provided it snows. But the endless's horrible. Getting up in the dark, going to school in the dark, coming home in the dark. It really does take its toll on a person. And for me, as a person who needs sunlight, it's devastating.

Sunlight provides life. Without the sun, there would be nothing. Just sit, and imagine a world without the sun. Imagine it, just for a moment. Imagine getting up, going to school, going to work, wherever you go during the day, doing whatever you do, coming home. All in the dark. No sunlight. Only artificial light and the occasional candle. Just imagine what it would do to you.

It's funny. I never sleep well in winter. I always wake up too early, or not early enough. I also find I need more sleep in winter. Why? I don't know. My self esteem plummets. I become apathetic and just generally irritable.

And then, April/May time...poof. All gone. Back to my normal, chirpy self. When the trees begin to flower, I start to feel happy again.

Funny how the seasons can affect your mood. Funny how the sun can control your whole life.

I think this sums up my mood entirely, at least for winter as a whole. Complete isolation, with no clear way to turn. Taking a wild stab in the dark because you can't see two feet in front of you. Which is silly. I don't make many friends, by choice as much as anything else, but the friends I do make I become very attached to and would do anything for, and I'm sure they'd do the same for me. What a lot of people don't understand is there's a difference to what a person has and what a person believes they have.

That's not to say I don't believe I have friends. I do. I have some wonderful friends, friends I can trust, friends I can talk to, friends I can rely on. But when I get home, I live so far away from them and it's so just doesn't feel like it sometimes.

Oh, I take back everything I said about my English teacher. She's alright.

Let's pray for a better day tomorrow. I don't even believe in God.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

December 8th

Can't pretend I'm feeling the best today. I had my hospital appointment with an orthopaedic specialist. I'm not going to lie and say my condition is life-threatening, but it's pretty damn imperative I get something done about it pretty quickly. Arthritis is not something I'm dying to acquire any time soon, or indeed, ever.

It's horrible not being able to do the things I want to do. I'd walk a hundred miles if I could. I'd train for fifty marathons and I'd run them too. But I can't. Because of my freakin' femur head and its misshapen socket.

Ok, so it's not like I have cancer. It's not like I have septicaemia or HIV or malaria. I'm not schizophrenic or bipolar. Heck, I'm not even arthritic (yet). I don't even have a slight cold. So, you might think, what the hell are you making such a fuss about? Well, how would you like it? We all complain over a cold, for goodness sake. I think I'm perfectly within my rights to complain about my hip joints.

Slightly apprehensive about having major surgery next year. Maybe I'll feel better about it tomorrow.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

December 1st

PEOPLE, WE'RE ON 399 VIEWS. That is the only reason I'm blogging. So that we can reach the 400 mark.


LoveLoveLove&SnowSnowSnow ^_^ ♥