A perfect morning for a kid to play
But you've got lots of bills to pay
What can you do?
You work real hard and the pay's real low
And every hour goes oh so slow
And at the end of the day there's nowhere to go
But home to Avenue Q.
I was only going to post the first two lines, but then the music got stuck in my head so I had to write out the rest of the verse :D
I don't know, I just haven't been in the mood for it I guess. But March is here and I'm suddenly feeling a little more optimistic :)

Also today, my beloved jeans, the only pair I really ever wear, split up the back while I was getting on my bike *sadface* But just now I sewed them up, or attempted to. I don't know how long they'll last before breaking again. I haven't dared to put them back on :)
If you're the slightest bit squeamish, I apologise in advance for the next leg of my post.
Anyone know anything about piercings?
My belly button looks like this and I'm starting to get a little worried.

Does this look infected to anyone? It's also weeping quite a bit, but the fluid is clear, not cloudy. Almost like water. It's very inflamed and can hurt when I move it. I've been disinfecting it and all that stuff and I really don't want to take it out as it's such a pretty bit of jewelry! Also I had to repierce it because it had closed up a little, which included putting a new bar in because the ball had fallen off the original bar.
Would appreciate a bit of advice!
Here's to March, and Happy St David's Day!
You live on Avenue Q
Your friends do too
You are twenty two
And you live on Avenue Q.
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