This isn't gonna be an overly long post, as I have to get up at half three tomorrow because I'm going to Lille on a trip (Y)
So, today?
Nothing really happened today.
Really the only reason I'm blogging is because I know I'll get picked up on it tomorrow.
I'd rather not have that at five in the morning. That's not cool.
Although today I watched a bit of Horizon...and am now paranoid that nothing is real.

Sleepy byes now. Happy dreaming. If you have nightmares, then happy not sleeping. I suggest learning how to lucid dream. If you can lucid dream AND you have nightmares, then happy getting rid of your nightmares. If you can lucid dream and you don't have nightmares, jump off the nearest building, fly to my house and teach me how to do it.
Cute sleeping baby?
I miss my innocence.
I get paranoid that nothing is real too, like is all this one long dream, and I've been in a coma for years? Scary stuff.