In smiley language, my day kinda went like this: -_- -_- -_- :/ :| :| >:( :| :) :) :D ^_^
Missed my train again and burnt my hand, again. I should just stop going near the coffee machine :)
So, today:
Music - couldn't concentrate. Most awful lesson of my life.
English - still couldn't concentrate. Got better by the end.
Biology - lung tissue. Lung belonging to Philip Harris. :S
Psychology - Obedience and Conformity. Basically, people turn into dictators when they're put in charge.
Woah, I had 1371 views before I clicked the preview button and now I have 1370 view. Something fishy's going on, and I'm not talking about - well. You know >.<

Anthony: *goes into elevator*
Anthony: It's ok, elevators are a safe zone. *monster falls from ceiling to screams from the aforementioned*
I will never enter an elevator again. Possibly because they're called lifts. Stupid American game.
If you can't read that in the picture, it says 'Here, hold my beer and watch this'.
THEN WE WATCHED FIREFLY AND IT WAS AWESOME ^_^ I would advise people to watch it. It's like space/cowboys/monsters/chinese/smuggling/shooting/horses n' shit. WATCH IT :D
Sleep well everyone; Music test tomorrow. Arrrrrghh D':
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