Well hello boys and girls!
Before I start, may I say a warm welcome to my reader in Singapore...? Make yourself at home, help yourself to a cup of tea and a humbug :)
Ugh, this week has actually been really stressful. And to top it off a bit, I saw this on Facebook the other day which rattled my cage a bit:
Ok, first of all, what the fuck?
You don't say this to people!
This type of thing really annoys me. I mean, yeah, we all say we never judge on appearances and every one of us does. Your first impression of someone comes within the first seven seconds of knowing them, whether you like it or not. We all judge on appearances. But this is different. It's discrimination. It's not ok to tell a black person to 'stop hatin' on white people, when the majority of them clearly don't, or to tell a Muslim to 'stop hatin' on Christian people, or vice versa, for that matter. It's a simple moral matter about telling fat people to 'stop hatin' on thinner people. But it's ok to tell someone who can't help their physical appearance to 'stop hatin on the sexy ones'? It's ok to make fun of someone because of what they look like? Well, news, people - THAT'S FUCKING OFFENSIVE. And rude to boot.
My second point is the phrase 'NO MAN WANTS AN UGLY CHICK'. Leaving Susan Boyle out of the equation for a minute, this is just nonsense. Most people in this world are not sexy. From the way this person writes, I assume that they're some adolescent kid who's idea of sexy is Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie. Together. My idea of sexy is Renee Zellweger in her Bridget Jones days. Not some orange slut in denim shorts and a wet t-shirt. And the fact is that these women, even to men, are just fantasies - not people you'd fall in love with and spend the rest of your life with. They're for a night in Vegas or a quickie down an alleyway. So the idea that 'NO MAN WANTS AN UGLY CHICK' is absurd because a) most people are not sexy and b) men don't tend fall in love with sexy women anyway. If you refuse to look past what a person looks like and get to the person they are within, you will never find someone to be with because you'll be looking for your idea of perfection. I hate to burst your bubble, but your idea of perfection does nott exist in the real world. It exists in Hollywood and porn after various nose jobs and breast enhancements, and that is not my idea of perfection. It's not even my definition of sexy.
So, in response to your ridiculous statement, I have to say that if I was a boy, I would rather date a fat chick with tons of personality than a sexy one with none at all.
Also, you're allowed to use the word 'bitches'. It isn't taboo.
Now I'm off to eat a bagel. Night, B*tchES. ♥
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