So today? Today I've been incredibly tired, so tired I was on the verge of falling asleep in English. No English banter for Jess and I today (although we had plenty yesterday. Oooh, Siegfried!)
So first off, I had a free, where I did my Biology and Psychology homework, neither of which was asked for. Then I had Biology, which was probably the most boring lesson this academic year. Maybe it's because I'm tired. Then Psychology, which was equally boring, and then English (see above). Then Senior Vocal Group at lunch, which presented itself with the usual doo dooing and da daaing that make up most of the alto and tenor line. Sopranos always get the good bit, the tune, or a nice harmony. And we're stuck with a two note melody. Never mind :)
And then after that, Music. Nothing much to comment about. Except Alex's attacking of Webern's 'music' which led to a philosophical debate about whether the colour red that Alex saw was the same colour red as Stevo saw, which led to whether Webern was a masochist. I'm not quite sure how we got to this point.
Oh! We got our ID cards today ^_^
Not quite sure what the smiley face was for, as it seems to me a pretty Fascist regime. Apparently it's so the teachers can identify us. In other words, Miss Hall doesn't trust us. I don't really see the point. There is no point. It's completely pointLESS. Are they an acceptable form of identification? Could we buy scratch cards with them? They have our date of birth on them, I suppose. But what's really the point of them? I don't know if anyone's read 1984 (admittedly, I've only skimmed through the first few chapters) but it kinda reminds me of that sort of society, bound by rules where people in higher authority know who you are, what your name is, what you do for a living and can erase you at any time they wish. It's unfair and I don't understand why. It's an ineffectual piece of white card with a picture of me and my date of birth.
Anyway, going away from the conversation about oppression and fascism...
Off to bed now, been getting late nights all this week. Ready for a day of cleaning and revision tomorrow. The level of dust and dirt in my room has been escalating to the point that it's making me cough and splutter like a chain smoker. Enough's enough, I think.
Could have been a signpost, could have been a clock
Simple as a kettle, steady as a rock.
Love ♥
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