It was WAY too much effort to get up this morning. WAY too much effort. It really shouldn't take that much effort just to get out of bed. Eventually, though, I did. Said getting up was followed by a OH MY GOD I DON'T HAVE ANY CLOTHES moment, although that was swiftly rectified. Phew!
Followed by...well, a not very interesting day to be honest. It went something like this:
Citizenship -_-
Year 8 English class.
The Year 8's were particularly irritating today. SHUT UP AND LISTEN. ERGH.

So now, I'm doing Music work, which I should have done before. But I didn't. So I'm doing it now. After that I've got Biology to do. So I'm probably gonna say toodleoo for today.
OH. D'you remember my depressing post about the problems I had with my hips? Yeah, I got diagnosed with bilateral hip displasia on New Year's Eve. Yes, it's not life threatening, but it's a bloody pain in the arse.
So long, chaps ♥
Have you ever been to the cantine? EVER? :P I thought you always get food from the sixth form foody bit :P. You ate MY sandwich in the end anyway :P (I suppose I did give it to you :P). I tried to watch Anastacia once, but it was on Youtube and the middle 2 sections were missing so it didnt make any sense... Hooray for the internet :D. YAAY DISABILITES :D x
ReplyDeleteAnd I do because I don't have a card, but it's essentially the same thing :)
And I have, but they wouldn't let me buy anything with cash, so now I don't. Plus I don't understand the canteen system. It's like a free-for-all. Why can't it all be in a line?!