Tuesday, 4 January 2011

January 4th

First day of school today! And there we were, skipping hand in hand through the school gates, wondering what delicacies were in store for us at the canteen. Perhaps caviar? Who knows! We skipped and skipped all the way into the sixth form centre and sat down for some cranberry tea and éclairs, ready for a simply spiffing day of knowledge. Or not.

It was WAY too much effort to get up this morning. WAY too much effort. It really shouldn't take that much effort just to get out of bed. Eventually, though, I did. Said getting up was followed by a OH MY GOD I DON'T HAVE ANY CLOTHES moment, although that was swiftly rectified. Phew!

Followed by...well, a not very interesting day to be honest. It went something like this:

Citizenship -_-
Year 8 English class.

The Year 8's were particularly irritating today. SHUT UP AND LISTEN. ERGH.

Anyway, when I got home, I found to my delight that my brother had recorded Anastasia for me, a 20th Century Fox film about the fall of the Russian Tsar and his family. Well, actually it was about a rumour that one of the princesses had survived and the film told her story...it was one of my favourite movies when I was younger. So I sat and watched that (and laughed at how silly the plot is) and found out that Kirsten Dunst plays the young Anastasia. There, you've learned something ^_^

So now, I'm doing Music work, which I should have done before. But I didn't. So I'm doing it now. After that I've got Biology to do. So I'm probably gonna say toodleoo for today.

OH. D'you remember my depressing post about the problems I had with my hips? Yeah, I got diagnosed with bilateral hip displasia on New Year's Eve. Yes, it's not life threatening, but it's a bloody pain in the arse.

So long, chaps ♥


  1. Have you ever been to the cantine? EVER? :P I thought you always get food from the sixth form foody bit :P. You ate MY sandwich in the end anyway :P (I suppose I did give it to you :P). I tried to watch Anastacia once, but it was on Youtube and the middle 2 sections were missing so it didnt make any sense... Hooray for the internet :D. YAAY DISABILITES :D x

    And I do because I don't have a card, but it's essentially the same thing :)

  3. And I have, but they wouldn't let me buy anything with cash, so now I don't. Plus I don't understand the canteen system. It's like a free-for-all. Why can't it all be in a line?!
