Incidentally, I have the same poster in my room, in the form of a metal plate. I can safely say I have never used it, although I have been sorely tempted on more than one occasion.
So, I'm guessing, for many of you today was a day of cramming for the exam period? My first exam is on Wednesday, Psychology. NOT looking forward to it, but I get Tuesday off so my cramming will come then :)
After waking up this morning from another strange dream, complete with Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch, obviously) and James Bond depicted by a rather sexually appealing black woman dressed like Lara Croft, I got up, had breakfast and watched Miss Marple on ITV3 until twelve. Zoe Wanamaker did it. I knew she was a bad seed right from the off.
Then I had lunch. Recipe for #1 sandwich:
Slice of bread, x3. Unless your bread is flimsy, in which case, Slice of toast, x3.
Mayonnaise, preferably Hellmans.
Pickle. That's pickle, not pickles. That would just be wrong.
Cheddar cheese
You know how to make a sandwich. If you don't, I pity you. If you've never had a sandwich, you're a deprived individual. No, I will not make you a sandwich.
Anyway, ramble ramble ramble...what else did I do today? Oh yes - I did my Biology and a bit of Psychology revision. Then I found this guy: http://www.27bslash6.com/index.html
This is my definition of witty. Devilishly witty. I aspire to be like this guy. Click on the link. You know you want to.
Anyway...I think I should start counting the number of times I say 'anyway'. It's starting to annoy even me, so who knows what it's doing to you.
Anyway #3, I have Theory homework to do, so ta-ta for now and happy examing :) ♥
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