Thursday 25 November 2010

November 25th

Well, what a deliciously scrumptious day I've had!

It went like this:

Biology (Bio-lo-gi :D)
Then I went home an hour early to go and see Thomas. This was the deliciously scrumptious part. And I'm NOT just talking about that bakewell tart, although that was also scrumptious.

So I got to Thomas' (silently noticed the carpet...), had a brief cup of tea, and then sat down rather promptly to begin our musical endeavours.

[no description available]

You shall have to watch the videos which Tom is hopefully editing and posting soon. Try to guess the number of takes we did.

This day really has been delectable. I don't know why. It's just been...excellent.

I am on top of the fricken' world right now. :) ♥

Nick, Nick, Nick, how I have neglected you. You beautiful, beautiful man. We SHALL go to see the river man, tell him all we can, some day ♫


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